Saturday, December 23, 2006

Why Is The Mainstream Upset About Time's Pick?

I am wondering why the mainstearm media is getting so upset about the pick for "Person of the Year".

I note that most things I have read, including articles from the Wall Street Journal, and listening to the network news, the "real" journalists say Bloggers aren't professionals and have nothing important to say. Now considering that this is their opinion of Bloggers in general I have to wonder just exactly what they are frightened of. Because in my experience no one goes that defensive unless they are spooked about something.

In my considered opinion some in the MSM have found that there is much worth while reading in many blogs. And some of the commentary is as well worded and timely as what we might hear on MSNBC or CNN.

Some blogs are very personal tomes. If those writing them wish this to be their subject more power to them. It is a totally personal choice of what one wishes project on their blog. To call them bad or stupid is just not right. It's free speech you buttheads. The same free speech as is given to the big network news departments. In case any of you big time news people read this I will remind you it has something to do with the first ammendment. Just in case you forgot.

Some blogs are dedicated to political and social commentary. I have read many of these and I find the insight on many of them to be superior to many of the lead anchors on some of the major networks.

I think this is what has some in the MSM spooked. They are finding the people they have been treating as inferior because they aren't in the same social circle or professional circle actually have a brain cell or two. Many of those people are using those very brain cells to make the commentary that the MSM shys away from for various reasons. The main one being, dare I say it, political.

Since I have only recently started using this wonderful medium I am not so much an expert but a novice. However I will say I have seen the effect that blogging has had on the political landscape and the media landscape. No matter how hard they try to disrespect and deny that Bloggers have an effect, the defensive reaction from the MSM tells the story. I think it woke a few people up. Like most individuals rooted in stone-aged tradition they may be doing too little too late. It seems they consider themselves the only one annointed to disseminate the news. They could be wrong about that, badly wrong.
JustMyThoughts 12/23/06

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