Friday, April 6, 2007

Dumber Than A Stump Updated

In my post on April 2, 2007 I asked if Nevada was dumber than a stump. The primary reason for this was the fact that we as an electorate body had elected Jim Gibbons as Governor. I will say again, for the record, I did not vote for this sad little human, however it seems many people in this state did so. Hence the stump reference. As in dumber than a stump.
Now we have to listen to another Monkey Boy tell us why we should keep getting our troops killed in a war we should not be fighting. We have to hear just how this Monkey will not "Compromise" and how he will "Stay The Course". My god....How much more do we need to realize that George W. Bush is leading us down the road to defeat as sure as Bonaparte led the French into a military disaster.
Maybe a lot of the people in this country are dumber than a stump too. They keep supporting this fool don't they?
Support our troops yes, I will until my last breath. Support the open ended mission they have been asked to work with...I will not.
If you keep kissing GWB's ass then you really are dumber than a stump.
I was trying to think that my home country was not full of purile idiots, but it seems I have been in error about that.
If one has mistaken the lies of the last six years for "leadership" then one must really be an ignorant fool. This has not been "leadership" but the work of an administration that is bent on domination.
So if you do not wish to be dominated by Christian fundametals for the remains of your life I would suggest you take a close look at what you vote for.
Then again, you all may be dumber than a stump. I am thinking this is the rule not the execption.

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