Monday, April 9, 2007

Fools Trash Talking.

Well isn't it just wonderful for CNN, MSNbc and other media outlets that Don Imus screwed up. He is and has been a frigging idiot for years.
I'll move to another fool. Al Sharpton. He is and has been a frigging idiot for years.
Now you take both of these friggin idiots and put them together to "Face Off" and you get a media circus.
And this means what as far as the condition of our nation is concerned? I know Imus made a "Racist comment". Yes he did and he should be slapped hard for it. And at the same time I think Sharpton has a reason and a right to reply.
I do think however we have more important issues facing us at this time. I am not saying racism is not an issue that is important, I am saying this is not the way to deal with it.
For shit sake how can you find two people more disconnected from the people that live in this nation? Unless maybe you throw in Sean Hannity, Lew Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly. Then one has a whole pile of idiots.
All of these people have also made racist comments and inferences as far as I have seen. Why are we not pounding them as badly? Is the MSM trying to cover it's own ass? You bet they are, because there are many of them out there that if their rhetoric was looked at it would constitute racism. It may not be white against black...maybe other races come into this as well.
I note that Sharpton comes off defending black people. How about the Mexican, Pakistani, Indian, Native American, French, Scots, Irish, Namibian, Balinese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai people who might not agree with this trash?
Who speaks for these unheard-people? Sharpton surely does not, neither does Imus, nor Hannity, nor Dobbs, nor O'Reilly. These "Commentators" only seem to care for their own fame and money, just like most politicians do. Same old shit I think.
If one can think then one might well draw a conclusion from this.
None of these people speak for me and they certainly do not know where I come from.
I have a reason for calling them all idiots. It's because I think they are. Most are proof that if you buy a four year education for an Idiot, then you get an educated Idiot. No smarter but with a high dollar education. So there are a whole lot of Parents out there that can die and rest in peace and know that they raised Idiots.
Sorry, sometimes the world sucks. And you never taught your children anything except your own false prejudices.


Just My Thoughts said...

I have to make apologies, I forgot to include Glenn Beck in that pile of Idiots. I truly regret this, as I like to be as complete as possible.

Vigilante said...

JMT, I'll have to make a personal observation in behalf of Sharpton. He made one hugemongus mistake a few back when he took up the case of that girl who made - it turned out - patently false claims about being mugged or whatever. You know who I mean. I don't remember her name. And Sharpton has adamantly refused to admit his error. Just like Bush. That can be held against him. That said, when I'm facing a choice to watch Sharpton or any of the other asshats you feature here, I will always choose to watch the Reverend. Because Al's got a literate and funny way of saying things, of connecting the dots, and no one (at least in this group) can do an eloquent smackdown the way Sharpton. The guy has, IMO, a gift.