Friday, March 9, 2007

How To Get Out Of Iraq

From what I have seen of the behaviour of the members of the House and Senate I note we seem to be dealing with badly trained children. Well so and so said this and someone introduced a bill...the other someone doesn't like it. Names are not needed here. This is blah blah crap. These people who run our country are arguing like of a bunch of spoiled school kids.... about first grade level as near as I can tell.
I think the thing they are avoiding is the simple fact if ending the Iraq war is really their agenda then Mad King George will have to be removed. It follows that his evil minion Dick (The Duke of Washington) Cheney will need to go as well. It may mean impeachment and conviction or resignation of certain individuals. Then it needs to be. Make it so or shut up. That is the message to Congress.
The fact is that if congress follows the will of the majority of people in this country to stop this war, Mad King George will veto it, even if his little hell-spawned demons in the Senate don't pull a filibuster. Which is almost a given considering they are still trying to cover Bush's sorry screw ups. The only logical way to get rid of a problem is not to treat the symptoms but to target the disease. If we remove the disease at the top this country can try to start healing and repairing the damaged relationships caused by the sickness we have suffered for the last seven years.
This country has been taken down a path of fear and intimidation to suit the purpose of the current Administration. I for one am tired of George W. Bush telling me how much I need to fear terrorists. The worst they can do is kill me. If they do I'll die trying to fight them.
I am more afraid of the homeland security department than I am frightened by terrorists. So the scare and score tactics of the Bush administration don't really work for me.
So if this country wants to rid itself of many problems it can rid itself of the leader that has caused these problems. And that is the way it stands. Congress can either bight the bullet and impeach or keep dealing with this on a first grade level. My call is they will opt for the first grade level....that way they can blame whatever happens on someone else. That's what immature children do you know.

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